Please first select color combination, and second - the size of bouquet. After that the price will be changed.
Surprise Bouquet / Made to measure:
Dear Friends! We have a lot of ideas for flower arrangements which are not included in our online catalog yet. Don’t beat your brains out! Order a surprise bouquet, and Botanika will sort that out for you! Just choose the amount and we will make our unique bouquet for you. Or visit our store and choose your favorite fresh flowers! You order, Botanika performs!
Aranžman po vašoj želji i meri:
Dragi prijatelji! Imamo mnogo ideja za bukete koji još nisu dospeli u naš katalog. Ne lomite glavu, naručite buket – iznenađenje, i Botanika će da misli za Vas! Samo izaberite odgovarajući iznos, i mi ćemo prema tom iznosu napraviti Vaš jedinstveni buket. Ili dođite u našu radnju da izaberite vašo omiljeno cveće. Vi naručujete, Botanika pravi!. . .
#Cvece za 8 mart, #cvece za dan zena.
#Flowers for the 8th of march, #flowers for womens day.
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Will be back on stock from 01-02-24
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